Disclosure: Writing for us is a great way to show your expertise and establish yourself as an expert in the field. Learn more


Welcome and thank you for your interest in writing for CortexTag’s Blog! We are always on the hunt for original, insightful, and well-written content around information technology. Here are the key details you need to know before submitting a guest article to us.

Please Checkout our Guidelines here for Guest Posting

1. Add meta title and meta description. (Meta title length 60 characters)
2. Word Limit for posting content is 800 words to 1500 words.
3. Always use small paragraph, with bullet points.
4. We allow 2 do follow links. 1st link will be placed on 1st paragraph and 2nd link on last paragraph.
5. Your Post will be Permanent and TAT – 1 day (24/7).
6. Please don’t post 18+ content. We are not promoting it
7. Feature image size will be 960*460
8. Article must be Unique and Don’t submit duplicate content.
9. If we found any broken link, then we have the authority to remove your links from the post.
10. Please don’t send AI Generated content. We publish only human written articles.
11. If your Post is against our Guidelines, then we have the authority to modify or Delete your post.

We are Accepting Fresh Content on Below Categories

  • Artificial Intelligence + Write for us 
  • Technology + “Write for us” + Guest Post
  • Digital Marketing Write for us 
  • Cryptocurrency + Write for us
  • Real Estate write for us
  • Social Media write for us
  • Education write for us
  • Health write for us
  • Travel write for us
  • Beauty write for us
  • Fitness write for us
  • Sports write for us
  • Games write for us
  • Finance write for us
  • Business write for us
  • Tech blogs write for us
  • Lifestyle write for us
  • Cooking write for us
  • Fashion write for us
  • Shopping write for us
  • Video Games write for us
  • Entertainment write for us
  • Technology submit guest post
  • Home Improvement write for us

Please share your articles here:cortextag@gmail.com

If you have any query, Feel free to Contact us Anytime.

Share your query here: cortextag@gmail.com

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